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Illustrator tutorial │ Make a set of glowing button

In this tutorial we will know how to create a set of nice glowing button for web page design on adobe illustrator. This is an intermediate tutorial of adobe illustrator. I have used many tools and panels to create the vector art. So, if you are a beginner, I recommend you to read the "Illustrator beginner tutorials" first.

Make a set of glowing button:

The final vector art work; which you will be creating.

Project details:
Level : Intermediate
Estimated time: 20 minutes
Program used: Adobe illustrator cs6.
Document type: RGB
Minimum qualifications: Ability to use the gradient palette and the transparency palette.

Step 1: Take the rectangle tool and create a rectangle like this one.

Step 2: Selecting the rectangle go to "Effect/stylize/rounded corner" and follow the image below. You can change the value of radius if you wish. All we have to do is make a rounded rectangle.

Step 3: Now make two copies of the rounded rectangle. Reserve one for next time usage. Make another copy smaller and move it to the middle bottom corner.

Step 4: Fill it with a lighter color than the larger rectangle like this.

Step 5: Go to "Object/blend/blending option" and follow the image.

Now, Select the both object and go to "Object/blend/make". Your result will be like below.

Step 6: Now, take the another rectangle which you have copied first time. Lower the height and move to the top.

Step 7: Fill it with black to white linear gradient.

Step 8: Go to transparency palette and select "Screen" blending mode.

Here is your result.

Finalizing vector art work

You can lower the opacity to adjust the blending. 

It will make the vector art more realistic and more professional.

I think you have enjoyed this tutorial. After all, if you have any question or want to say thanks to me, don't forget to comment. Thanks for reading this tutorial on adobe illustrator.
Illustrator tutorial │ Make a set of glowing button Reviewed by Unknown on 4:50 PM Rating: 5

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