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Illustrator tutorial-All keyboard shortcuts and important notes // VectorArtPlus

In this blog all the tutorials are based on adobe illustrator. There are some keyboard shortcuts and important notes that you should mind strictly all the time. It will help you to understand the tutorials from VectorFreeArt. Here I am providing some important keyboard shortcuts of adobe illustrator and some valuable notes. Keep in mind that if you don't mind them you may not understand rest of the tutorials as well.

Keyboard shortcuts:

1. ctrl+s: To save the document.
2. ctrl+g and ctrl+alt+g: To group and ungroup objects.
3. ctrl+2 and ctrl+alt+2: To lock and unlock objects.
4. ctrl+shift+> and ctrl+shift+<: To make texts bigger and smaller.
5. ctrl+] and ctrl+[ :  To bring the object/layer front and back.

Important notes:

1. Select the object first to apply any changes to it.
2. Notice to the fill and stroke color tool when changing the color of an object. Notice to the fill or stroke tool when changing the color. Because, if the stroke is selected the fill color will not be changed. To choose the fill and stroke separately double click on the palette.

I think you have enjoyed this tutorial. After all, if you have any question or want to say thanks to me, don't forget to comment. Thanks for reading this tutorial on adobe illustrator.
Illustrator tutorial-All keyboard shortcuts and important notes // VectorArtPlus Reviewed by Unknown on 6:20 PM Rating: 5

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